The Argentine actress Yamila Reyna criticizes the "feminists at the green handkerchief" | TV and show


The Argentine actress and actress Yamila Reyna shared on Instagram a reflection that divided her followers on social networks.

In a long message, the extract from Amber spoke of how she saw feminism and the lack of solidarity that ensures that it exists between women.

"In recent times, I have read and heard many comments from women to other women, for example" look at the cellulite you have, you no longer need to wear these clothes, look how old you look, because you show the body. " There I wonder, where is the famous Sorority, that we all fight for the famous Feminism if at the first of the changes a woman is the first to throw a comment discriminating against another ?! ", began Argentina with several photos of her nakedness.

"For me, feminism is about fighting for abortion, violence, fairness and damnable laws that make those who call themselves fathers responsible, but leave a woman alone," he added.

"It's the fight for me, not for putting on a green tissue, and at the same time criticizing any woman who thinks differently from me" she completed.

The actress also pointed out that every woman He is free to do what he wants with his body, but also encourages them to be more "beautiful, feminine, bady and empowered".

"I remind you of a famous phrase invented by us:" My body, my rules. "So, if I want to make up and if not so, if I want to show my curves because they are mine and if I want to publish them (as in these photos). And yes, I like to make me say nice things, open the car door and feel bady, I love it! and this is n & rsquo; That's not why I'm less a woman than you " he says.

"I invite every woman to express herself as she pleases, in her own way, but by respecting us. And if you do not like my way, I invite you not to follow me, to cross paths, because I will be the one who encourages us to see us more and more beautiful, feminine, bady and empowered "

" I want to see more women eating the world, walking like wolves in the street and devouring their male at night, even if you wear pajamas or high heels that are mine, because many sorority, but with freedom for women ", he declared.

See this post on Instagram

During this last time, I read and heard many women's comments to other women like "look at the cellulite you have, you do not have to no longer wear these clothes, look how old you look, because you are showing the body "and there I wonder where is the famous Sorority, that we are all one, fighting for the famous Feminism, if at the first of the changes a woman is the first to make a discriminatory comment about another ?! Feminism is for me to fight for the violence of abortion, for equity and for the damn laws that empower those who call themselves fathers, but let a woman raise alone, that's the fight for me, not to put on a green handkerchief and at the same time criticize every woman who thinks differently from me. I remember a famous phrase invented by us: "My body, my rules". So if I want maquillo and if not so, if I show my curves because they are mine and if I want to publish (as in these photos) And yes, I like to say nice things and open the door of the car, and bady sense I love it! and it is not for that reason that I am less a woman than you. I invite every woman to express herself as she intends, in her own way but in respect of us. And who does not like my way, I invite you to follow me, crossbreeds, because I will be the one who will encourage us to see us more and more beautiful, feminine, bady and empowered! . I want to see more women eating the world, walking like wolves on the street and defeating their man at night, even if you are wearing pajamas or heels, that 's the most mine of all, because there are many of them if we choose sorority, but in complete freedom for women. #mipensamiento #esmio #micuerpomisreglas #mivida #milucha #amimanera #sororidad #conlibertad

A post shared by Yamila Reyna (@yamireyna) on

The color election, which took place in 2003 at the National Meeting of Women in Rosario, occurred because was not badociated with any social movement or political party . According to CNN, two years later, it was decided that it would be used as a symbol of movement.

In Chile, handkerchiefs are accompanied by slogans such as "free, safe and free abortion" and "# Bastan3Causales", as well as two images of historical moments of women's struggle in Chile.

NEW STOCK ARRIVED !!! Attention, tonight we will give new points of sale!

– Feminists in Lucha (@CFLChile) of July 17, 2018

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