The Argentinean World Cup has been completed – 07/03/2018


In relationship

Pekerman holds his head and can not believe it: after leveling the score with the goal of Jerry Mina, the pbad of the room escapes the shots at goal. Nestor Lorenzo screams but can not find answers. Patricio Camps is looking for Bacca, who feels guilty of defeat. Professor Urtasún is speaking, but the miracle is not over. Cuchu Cambibado, in the pits, talks to the injured James and tries to tell him that he will have a rematch in Qatar . With the elimination of Colombia, the World Cup was over for the Argentines. A tournament that had started with a lot of enthusiasm for Messi, for the Sampaoli team and because there were also four other Argentine coaches

In the first round, Pizzi, Cúper and Gareca were drawn without pain or glory. And in the eighth final there were two with whom there was more waiting. Argentina, who came through the window to the final round, and Colombia, good first phase . But José's team had the desire to rank among the top eight in the World Cup

See also: It's worth it, Colombia!

Ospina cut one, but it did not reach

Colombia 1 (3) – England 1 (4). Knock out. Russia 2018 World Cup. (Source: TyC)

See also: The key, the days and the hours

Colombia met a tough England, a team that knows what it wants, who plays everything at Kane, but unlocks the matches with the small Sterling and Lingard. And in a tight match, with a bit controversial refereeing – the English goal was after a penalty that Sanchez did to giant Kane – the selected coffee found the 93's ecstasy, with Mina's head.

At the Pekerman team lacked football. He missed James Rodríguez and Borja, an offensive letter that the coach always had in the second half. Attempt with the centers and therefore the heroic 1-1, but it is clear that this is not the World Cup of Argentina.

Only Pitana remains. The rest, will watch on television from the neighborhoods . With José and his team of coaches, the last hope was gone. They fought until the end against England, but at the penalty kick, the World Cup was over.


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