The astonishing resemblance between a robbery suspect and Ross's "Friends" leads the actor to publish an "alibi"


When the Blackpool Police Department posted on Facebook images of a security camera showing the suspect during a robbery, they did not imagine that it was not safe. a television star would answer them proving that they were not working.

This is what the American actor David Schwimmer, best known for his role as Ross in the series "Friends" acclaimed by critics, when he lives the incredible resemblance that he had with the subject that they were looking for. United Kingdom

The changes of actors of "Friends"


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The answer was overwhelming, to be more precise 158 000 comments (at the time of the closing of this note) had generated on Facebook. But the vast majority spoke only of Ross, the singular character of "Friends" played by Schwimmer, who had recently launched a campaign against badual abuse.

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The actor accompanied the publication with a video where is seen in a supermarket, wearing what appears to be a crate of beer folded to the side, in a clear parody of the image originally broadcast by the Blackpool police. [19659010] <iframe srcdoc = "

Officers I swear it was not me.
As you can see, I was in New York.
Good luck to the Blackpool police, who carry a lot of investigation. #itwasntme

– schwim (@DavidSchwimmer) 24 October 2018

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The jokes were of the same content, most of them similar to the popular series of the 90s. " There are rumors that he has accomplices " ] said a user of the police publication added that "Miss Chenandler Bong, Regina Phalange and Ken Adams were all seen in the area." These are the nicknames that the characters Chandler, Phoebe and Joey used in "Friends "

The police were forced to respond," Thank you all for your prompt responses, we have thoroughly investigated the matter and confirmed that David Schwimmer was in the United States at this time. date ", referring to the day the suspect was registered. jokingly that they "regretted that this was so".

Schwimmer also posted the video on Facebook and the Blackpool Police shared it thanking his support . "Thank you for being here for us, David," said the police department of the modest seaside resort north of Liverpool.

The officers have not yet located the suspect and are waiting for the people to have real information about the case. Cooperate to the investigation.

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