The Atlantic economy advances 0.9% after the Danish exam


The Atlantic experienced positive economic growth in 2017, as indicated by data provided by the National Department of Statistics (Dane), after the entity reviewed and corrected the information that she had published in February of last year. which indicated that the department recorded a 0.6% reduction in gross domestic product (GDP).

The Danish director, Juan Daniel Oviedo, indicated that the GDP data of the originally published departments had "errors" and therefore could not provide technical support.

After the revision with the basic change, the Dane published the new figures showing that the department had moderate economic growth, which is in line with the

Fundesarrollo Director, Kelina Puche, explains that with updating the GDP figures, the Atlantic is disappearing. the number 18 position in the ranking of departments, according to the economic growth rate of 2017, "position far removed from the position of number 2 of 2015", says the expert.

With growth of 0.9% Atlantic lies between the departments with a figure lower than the national rate, with Meta with 0.6% and Boyacá with 0.8%.

The badysis developed by Fundesarrollo indicates that the share of the Atlantic in GDP The country remains in sixth position with 4.4% (36.6 billion dollars), but is far from reaching gross margins of production such as those generated by Antioquia and Valle del Cauca, with 14.6% and 9.78%. % of national GDP, which in turn produces 3.3 and 2.2 times more than the Atlantic.

In general, all departments of the Caribbean coast are below the national average of GDP per capita per capita.

"To illustrate this point, the Atlantic represents 87% of the average national GDP per capita, at $ 16.2 million per capita, while Córdoba and Sucre do not even represent 50% of the average national GDP per capita. $ 18.7 million per capita), "explains Mr. Puche.

By sector, the country's manufacturing industry fell by 1, 8%, the reduction was much deeper for the Atlantic where the industrial decline was 3.1%. In the sectors of trade, vehicle repair, transportation, accommodation and meals, while the country posted growth of 1.9%, the Atlantic rose only 0.1 %.

Fundesarrollo reports that the poor performance of industry and services is added to the artistic and other services sectors (1.0%), professional, scientific and technical activities (0.7%) and real estate activities. (0.3%), with slight growth.

The best-performing sectors in the Atlantic relative to the national average are construction (6.5%), agriculture (6.7%) and mining (2.4%), the latter two , without significant participation in the main economic structure of the Ministry.

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