The & autotrolleo & # 39; of Michy Batshuayi after playing in the best blooper of Russia 2018 | International


He played in one of the funniest stupidities of the Russian World Cup in 2018. The striker of Belgium, Michy Batshuayi, laughed at his own chascarro through social networks after the 1-0 victory of his selection on England.

After the match, Chelsea's striker used his Twitter account to refer to the ridiculous oddity he experienced, which quickly became viral.

"I knew I was going to be screwed up the minute I saw the mentions of Twitter, how can I be so stupid? It hurts," he wrote in a statement. of his messages.

Ahahha I knew I would be saved the minute I came to my mentions ???????????? why am I so stupid brother ??♂️ shit hurts

– Michy Batshuayi (@mbatshuayi) June 28, 2018

"The Fortnite style celebrations are overvalued, so I had to create something new."

Fortnite celebrations overloaded I had to create something new ??⚽️ … ??? #KarmaIsAB

– Michy Batshuayi (@ mbatshuayi) June 28, 2018

In addition, in another publication, a pink image of the exact moment when the ball bounces on his face.

"Just the precedent before the shit" was launched.

The second just before I know that I searched #InternetUndefeated 19

– Michy Batshuayi (@mbatshuayi) June 28, 2018

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