The ballot did not do much: the controller opposed $ 632 million in travel to mayors and councilors in 28 communes


The Comptroller General objected to the use of 632 million pesos for the travel of mayors and councilors of 28 communes of the country, following a series of audits involving training sessions organized in 2017 and 2018.

According to the newspaper "El Mercurio" ", the municipal authorities badured that the resources were well invested, even if some had already reinstated them before the summer. interrogation of the entity of control.

The municipality in which the greatest number of displacements were questioned is Camarones, in which more than 240 million pesos in 38 visits of six advisers in Colombia, in Peru, in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, Argentina, France, Italy, Spain and Uruguay.

Up to now, the councilors of this municipality have repaid nine million pesos of travel expenses, Ndis that the Prosecutor had initiated a procedure for alleged fraud in the Treasury, which had not advanced.

"We did not have much collaboration from the municipality", my lawyer for the State Defense Council (CDE), Ana Cortés, said

The second municipality with more questions is Arica, where six councilors traveled to Peru, Japan, Ecuador, the United States and Israel, spending more than 70 million pesos.

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