The beautiful gesture of Harry and Meghan with schoolchildren


On Monday the Dukes of Susbad met at Café Marenui in New Zealand with representatives of mental health projects, where a sweet act of Meghan had not pbaded unnoticed.

The generous nature of the Duchess is evident when rushes to the cafe to look for leftover cakes that she did not eat with Prince Harry to hand over to schoolchildren waiting outside.

As soon as he saw several children outside, Meghan rushed to the Wellington restaurant and asked him to take all the slices and cakes left on the cafeteria plates.

agreement, the cakes were made available to the children, who smiled proudly of their new sweets.

The children who were given cakes were some of the schoolchildren who were on the streets outside the cafeteria in the hope of & # 39; To have a glimpse of royalty.

It is there that the children did not start crying with emotion so the real couple took the time to comfort him.

Joe Young, five years old, wiped his tears when the Duchess of Susbad knelt to comfort him

Little Joe, last in line, could barely look up from his hat. when a teacher intervened to hug him.

This gesture was interpreted by the British media as a sign of the "maternal spirit" of the duchess.

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