The best Batman band? [Espectáculos] – 19/07/2018


Saltillo, Coahuila .- Ten years ago, The Dark Knight saw light in cinemas and began its journey to become an iconic film in both the career of director Christopher Nolan and in the History of the seventh art. Soon he received critical acclaim for his narrative tone and his approach, something rarely seen in the genre, and at the box office broke all records, becoming the first superhero movie that surpbaded the barrier. a billion collection.

Criticism coincides in highlighting Nolan's work as the best superhero movie ever made, precisely because the British did not treat it as such, but as an urban and epic criminal drama at the same time.

Nolan put together a large cast, which featured Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine (as the hotel master Alfred) and Morgan Freeman, whose character, Lucius Fox, offered a great wink at the James Bond saga by being the inventor of all the artifacts available to the multimillionaire hero. And of course the two great presences: Christian Bale as Batman (for many the best interpretation of the superhero) and Heath Ledger as El Guasón, whose performance has been acclaimed by critics.

The Joker of the deceased actor has become one of the most memorable roles in the history of superhero movies. The actor wanted to train a different villain. For this, in his exploration of the psychology of the sociopath to which he gives life, he is inspired by the rocker Sid Vicious and the character of Malcolm McDowell of La Naranja Mecánica.

Christian Bale confesses to the media, before the premiere of the film, this Ledger "completely steals the film". "It's fantastic, her performance speaks for herself, it's amazing, something never seen before, it's a huge celebration of her talent."

Ledger , who badumed the role of the Joker after previous versions of César Romero (1966) and Jack Nicholson (1988), was the second actor in history to win the Academy Award posthumously after Peter Finch, in 1976, by Network

Ledger's father, Kim, his mother Sally Bell and his sister, Kate Ledger, won the award at the time of delivery (one of the most touching Kim

Kim Ledger thanked the Academy for recognizing "the incredible work" of his son, while the mother admitted to being "really overwhelmed" by the price.

"We know both of you how you created this character, "said Kate Ledger," We are proud to receive this award on your behalf, "adds Kim.

• L & # 3 Picture of Batman standing at night, at the top of the Chicago Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) is real. And not only that, but Christian Bale insisted that it was himself, not a duplicate, that appeared in the shot.

• The husky voice of Batman of Christian Bale is one of his marks. Often ridiculed, the fact is that Bale has not changed his tone of voice regarding Batman Begins. It's Nolan who made the decision to digitally alter the voice in post-production.

• Director Sam Mendes admitted that his first James Bond movie, Skyfall, was strongly inspired by The Dark Knight and his narrative tone. "He played with our fears, discussed our fears and why they existed, I thought he was incredibly brave and interesting," he acknowledged in an interview.

• Warner Bros. announced Wednesday that the second Christopher Nolan trilogy film on Batman will be screened on IMAX screens in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Toronto for a week beginning August 24.

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