The best cosplay? The disguise with which Mark Hamill is mocked by Trump in Comic Con | TV and show


Mark Hamill once again showed his sense of humor in reaching Comic Con of San Diego using a curious cosplay.

As the pictures show, the actor – famous for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars – arrived until the event characterized as Darth Vader although with some details.

Instead of the characteristic black mask, Hamill opted for an orange, plus the costume of a golf player, to make fun of Donald Trump.

Also, on his back, you can read the phrase "Make the Death Star is Awesome Again" ("Let's Restore Greatness to the Star" of Death ", in clear allusion to the President of the United States

  Brendan Bajillioz | Instagram
Brendan Bajillioz | Instagram
  Brendan Bajillioz | Instagram
Brendan Bajillioz | Instagram

The star was successful to pbad unnoticed by most fans at the convention.In fact, she confirmed her identity after a user uploaded an image.

"A friend told me that I'm I had taken a photo today, unknowingly, with Mark Hamill during Comic Con. A user wrote, to which Hamill replied: "It's true … all that. "

It should be noted that the interpreter has repeatedly expressed his rejection of Trump

" It's true … ALL. " #OrangeVad er # MyFinalDayAtSDCC2018

– Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 23, 2018

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