The brief response of the wife of Arturo Vidal to the rumors of the failure of their marriage | Television and shows


Many will remember the wonderful wedding celebrated by Arturo Vidal and María Teresa Matus in 2014 at the San Ignacio de Loyola Church. Nearly four years after this event, a wave of rumors circulated about an alleged breakup between the spouses.

Do not forget that the two men have been together for almost 10 years and that they have three children: Alonso, Elisabetta and Emiliano. However, in recent months, we have made sure that the marriage ends their relationship, which has been confirmed by some programs, such as Primer Plano.

"It's separate (…) It's out! Sorry!" Fran García-Huidobro threw in the air, who then apologized for his words and immediately apologized . This increased rumors of separation, at least we thought of social networks.

And not only that, since, as we saw on page 7, Arturo shared for the last time a picture of "Maritain". in March of this year, when he sent her a romantic birthday message. By the way, the last time Maria Teresa published a postcard next to the "King", it was last December for Christmas.



However, in the midst of the Copihue de Oro Awards, where "Monito" won the "Best Player" award, Matus was briefly interviewed in the morning Hello Chile This questioned him about his relationship with the footballer.

Far from giving a speech, Vidal's wife still gave a brief answer about his relationship with the player: "How are you?" ] was the consultation of La Red's morning reporter, to which Maria Teresa replied: "Yes, agree, agree". As for rumors of breakdown, Matus again answered briefly: "That's all good" .

Is it true that everything stays good between Arturo and Maria Teresa?

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