The Chilean Roberto Bolaño celebrates 15 years of death; we remember with 10 interesting facts


Este July 15 to conform three decades of the death of the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (Santiago de Chile, 1953-Barcelona, Spain, 2003), whose impact is irrefutable in Latin American and Spanish letters in general.

More than one twenty books and recognitions in Chile, Mexico, Spain and the United States speak of an author who, 15 years after his death, is still alive in the multiplied readers of his prose and his poetry . In addition, the publication of several posthumous volumes of his paternity in an important corporate editorial keeps his books among the best-sellers and reads them.

Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was born in Santiago, Chile on [25avril1953] . He was the son of the trucker and boxer Leon Bolaño and the professor Victoria Ávalos . He never lived in the Chilean capital, but spent his childhood in V alparaíso, in Viña del Mar, Quilpué and Cauquenes . Where he lived most of his first years was in Los Angeles, Biobío province. In 1968, he settled in Mexico, where he lived for almost a decade and finally lived in in Spain in 1977.

Bolaño died on tuesday July 15, 2003 after spending 10 days in a coma following a liver failure and having waited in vain for a donor to undergo a liver transplant . His son Lautaro was 13 years old, while his daughter Alexandra only two.

His body was veiled at the funeral of Les Corts, in Barcelona, ​​where furthermore, on July 16, laymen's funeral was held, where his publisher and friend Jorge Herralde made a farewell speech. Then his ashes were thrown into the Mediterranean Sea.

Here are some curious facts about the life of the indefatigable Chilean-Mexican-Spanish writer, who died prematurely at the age of 50

1.- Roberto Bolaño arrived in Mexico City in 1968 at the age of 15 years. The family lived in the colony Lindavista and although Roberto returned for a few months in Chile in 1973 in support of the government of Salvador Allende, had to return in Mexico in January of 74 after the coup d'etat of Pinochet. He then lived in the colony Napoleon and later still in the colony Guadalupe Tepeyac until he finally left our country in 1977 to live in ] Barcelona.

2.- He never finished high school and therefore did not start graduate school either. It was from his adolescence a voracious reader who read Mexican literature and thrillers of police to clbadical works of Horacio, Ovidio and Arquíloco. During this period, he frequently visited the public libraries of the Mexican capital. Here began to gestar his literary career.

3.- In Chile, he was arrested in November 1973 in a bus, while he was driving from Los Angeles to Concepción to visit a friend. He was released eight days later thanks to the help of a former student of Cauquenes who was among the policemen who were to guard him. In this experiment his story is based Detectives published in his book Telephone Calls . After this experiment, decided to leave his native country, visiting it only 25 years later . was the original title of his book of 1984, Council of a disciple of Morrison to a fanatic of Joyce written with the Spanish author AG Porta, and awarded with Prize Literary Scope. The title was changed to refer directly to Mario Santiago's poem (1953-1998) Council of a disciple of Marx to a Heidegger fanatic of 1975, rightly considered the ] first infrared poem from which the infrealism would appear as a literary movement.

5- nine posthumous books of the Chilean author were published: One of poetry The Unknown University (2007).

Five novels : 2666 in turn formed by five novels collected (2004); The Third Reich (2010); The disappointments of the real policeman (2011); The Spirit of Science Fiction (2016), and Cowboy Tombs (2017).

And Book of Three Stories: The Unsupportable Gaucho (2003); Bar Diary (2006) with the reissue of Council of a disciple of Morrison to a fanatic of Joyce written with the Spanish AG Porta, and the volume The Secret del Mar (2007).

6.- In addition to the Herralde Award of Novela (1998) and Rómulo Gallegos (1999) for his novel The Savage Detectives Bolaño's works received up to 39 to today 18 literary prizes among which two prizes of San Sebastián and others five Spanish prizes ; four awards in his native Chile and two in the United States : that of the National Circle of Book Critics and that of the magazine Time to the best novel (2008).

Two Superior Works of Bolaño (Special)

7.- Three documentaries were made on the life of the author prematurely deceased: Bolaño nearby . Spain: Editorial Candaya y Teveunam. 2008. Scenario and direction Erik Haasnoot. Distributed with the book Bolaño Savage 2nd edition, March 2013.
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Merlin (TVE). Spain: Zebra Productions. 2010.
Roberto Bolaño, the future battle, of Ricardo House . Mexico-Chile-Spain. 2010-2012

8.- Four pieces based on his books were mounted : In 2007 in Spain, the work 2666 was performed by Alex Rigola . In 2013, also in Spain and under the direction of the same Alex Rigola The policeman of the rats (history of his book The insufferable gaucho ). In 2014 in Spain, Council of a disciple of Morrison to a fan of Joyce under the direction of Felix Pons . In 2016, in the United States, 2666 under the direction of Robert Falls .

9.- In 2013, directed by Alicia Scherson and in co-production Chile-Italy-Germany-Spain, was filmed the only film up to here . a novel by Bolaño. The band Il futuro was based on A lumpen novel .

10.- In 1992, in Spain, he was diagnosed with a liver disease that ] would suffer and with which he would weigh only a little more than 30%. a decade, often giving priority to his work as a writer on his health care. At his death he was on the waiting list for a liver transplant.



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