The "Chilean Rock Day" is a step away from being a reality


The Chamber of Deputies of Chile unanimously approved the draft established on August 15 as "Chile's Rock Day", an initiative that has been highlighted by lawmakers "as a new step in the development of the country. history of southern music "

The measure promoted by the Socialist Party deputy, Marcelo Díaz, was accepted by 119 votes for and, although it still has to be voted in the Upper House, it will allow the development of various activities to celebrate the Chilean musicians of this genre.

"We are interested in making events of a national nature, but also that schools can do clbades and that we can make known the rich and diverse culture of rock music, Chilean and foreign," said Diaz.

The curious note was brought by the national musician Florcita "Motuda" Alarcón, who is a deputy from the southern region of Maule.

At the time of approval of the articles, the shirt to put on his clbadic costume that he uses during concerts and blackmails all the deputies.

The date chosen to establish the National Day of Rock is a symbolic date for the iconic Chilean group Los Jaivas that day. of 1963 made their first presentation at the Municipal Theater of Viña del Mar.

The Jaivas were the creators of progressive rock with folk tints and were also the emblem of the hippie movement in the Southern Cone, and after the coup of the state of 1973 they became a symbol of the fight against the dictator Augusto Pinochet

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