The complete renovation that defeated the future of four Colo Colo players


In black and white, they began making important decisions for 2019. At the council meeting held on Monday at Casa Alba, it was decided and unanimously not to renew the contract of coach Hector. Tapia

Sports director Marcelo Espina has already started looking for a new coach where Mario Salas is the main candidate to replace Tapia. However, another important point was not resolved Monday, several directors having other commitments, so it was decided to do it in the week: the renewal of four players.

Agustín Orión, Julio Barroso, Gonzalo Fierro and Cesar Pinares conclude their contract in December and their future remains uncertain. It was expected that this point would end in the day, but everything was postponed to Wednesday, date to which will be held an enlarged football commission, which will define the future of the four players.

It is not excluded that decision may be postponed a little longer since a sector of the table thinks that such a determination must be made jointly with the new coach.

For the same thing, the meetings that Espina will hold with potential candidates, they will be essential to be able to define the continuity of the four players, where the management thinks only of Barroso, to prolong his contract of employment for another year.

At the same time, Orión will be evaluated by the board of directors, because although he is willing to make an economic effort to continue, he remains high for the dealer.

The case of Fierro will be the most badyzed. The player wants to extend his commitment by one year before retiring. This motion could be accepted, but it will depend very much on the information provided by Espina to each player.

Finally, Pinares is the one who would leave the club because at the table they are not satisfied with their performance, after the great effort they made to sign it.

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