The controversial coverage of The Sun before Colombia against England – Europe – International


The English newspaper uses a play on words that, for some, refers to "cocaine".

  The Sun Cover on the Colombian National Team

C is the controversial cover of the "Sun". by the match between Colombia and England


July 3, 2018, 7:08 am.

The British newspaper 'The Sun', specializing in gossip, sports and entertainment, publishes a controversial title that, beyond the sporting event, revives the old stereotype of some international sensationalist media related to Colombia.

On his cover this Tuesday appears Harry Kane, 24 years old and current scorer of the English team. However, it is the owner who accompanies it that has caused outrage among some Colombians. The text quotes that " while the 3 lions face the land that gave Shakira the world, the good coffee and also other things … we say 'Go, Kane & # 39; ", which for many readers makes a play on words with the pronunciation in this language of the word" cocaine ".

The publication caused discomfort in some people, who expressed their rejection of the publication on social networks.

For its part, some fans took advantage of the controversy to highlight historical events related to the two national teams, as when David Beckham – legendary British player – scored his first goal with the British breaking the net of Faryd Mondragón France 1998 . Also, the legendary work of Colombian goaltender Higuita, "El escorpión", in a friendly match between these two teams


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