The controversial sentence of Valdivia on Maradona


The & # 39; Magician & # 39; served as a commentator for the network & # 39; TVN & # 39; in the duel between Charruas and Gauls and, in an attempt to be funny, pronounced a rather ] unpleasant phrase on the Pelusa .

And did his partner in broadcasting, the narrator Pedro Carcuro, comment on a game on a grab to a football player Uruguay . "The French" jala "from the shirt to the Uruguayan", explained Carcuro, to whom Valdivia responded with the phrase that put all the controversy : "do not say" jala ", Pedro, who is Maradona in the stadium ."

The comment, in bad taste, apparently wanted to recall the past of the Argentine star with drugs and in a short time it became viral on social networks. 19659004]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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