The controversial sentence with which Claudio Borghi "repented" of criticizing Jorge Sampaoli – Argentina – 24 hours


  The controversial sentence with which Claudio Borghi is

The & # 39; Bichi & # 39; "extinguished the fire with benzine" on his statements where he badured that the Casildense would be called "pig on a tree". TVN


The last week Claudio Borghi criticized in harsh terms to Jorge Sampaoli after the failure of Casildense in the command of the selection of Argentina at the 2018 Russian World Cup .

On this occasion, the & # 39; Bichi & # 39; claimed that in his neighborhood the Casildense was saying: " pig on the top of a tree, because no one knows how he got there ."

And this Monday, in conversation with On TV Pública trans-Andean, Borghi showed unusual repentance, with a phrase that only adds fire to the fire. [19659006] " I apologize because I made a statement that I have much regretted.It is my disrespectful style ", he began demonstrating, in principle, that the regret of his words was real.

However, he "extinguished the fire with benzine" adding that " is this With all that pigs … it was a little out of my hands." The pigs m & # 39; have called to tell me not to disturb more Sampaoli . "

Finally, Borghi clarified that his constant criticism of Sampaoli is a purely moral problem " " J ​​& Have significant human differences with him. I've never said that he was a bad coach, but the formulas that he must reach do not suit me. He has achievements, but not something that is very important, it is ethics ", closed.


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