The craziest and most provocative films of Willem Dafoe


Willem Dafoe is one of the most charismatic faces of cinema in recent years. He worked with directors of Oliver Stone Martin Scorsese David Lynch and Lars Von Trier he also managed to combine his participation in films of Author and commercial cinema to consolidate a career that he could not have imagined himself

Dafoe was born on [22 juillet 2009] 1955 in Appleton, Wisconsin. He studied drama and is part of a theater company with which he traveled to the United States and Europe for four years. It is at this time that he develops his acting technique, based on movement and gesture, always looking for something more primitive: "I never act." I get carried away by the animal, the instinct … to see what happens, "says Valencia Plaza.

His film career began in the mid-80s, when Michael Cimino entrusted him with a role in The Gate of Heaven although the scenes in which he appeared were eliminated in the final edition.His first great film was The Loveless by Kathryn Bigelow, followed of films like Live and Die in Los Angeles .

Although his career has more than 80 films, there are three in this long list that has been placed in the eye of the Hurricane, because of the controversy that triggered the issues discussed, or the characters played by himself Willem Dafoe . Did you see them?

Willem Dafoe at the International Film Festival of Guadalajara 2011 . (Photo: El Universal)

Here in We want to celebrate the anniversary of Willem Dafoe's No. 63, by showing you the cbadettes that made your name. will cause scandal all over the world …

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

Imagine the scene: Jesus having bad with Mary Magdalene. This caused the ban of the film.

When the film was premiered in France in 1988, a group of fundamentalist Catholics launched Molotov badtails at those attending a ceremony. In the United States the panorama was no different … Universal Studios were blocked by protests from Christian groups who rejected the film's exhibition.

The pressure paid off and some cinemas refused to do so for fear of attacks. Turkey, the Philippines, Singapore, Mexico, Chile and Argentina have decided to ban it.

And really, those who asked to be censored may not have even seen it, because a "misunderstood job" was describing the life of Jesus. Dafoe endowed the protagonist with a humanity that had never been seen on the screen.

In the band of Martin Scorsese we see an anxious and doubtful Jesus, and although Willem Dafoe criticizing him for having shown a human God, not divine, with the pbadage of time he received the applause that he deserved.

You might be interested: The Scorsese movie that defies Hollywood and the Vatican

Antichrist (2009)

From the Hand of Lars Von Trier this movie could not get rid of the scandal, since it likes it or you hate it. It was played by Charlotte Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe . It is part of the director's unofficial trilogy, known as the "trilogy of depression," which is completed by Melancholia and Nymphomaniac . You think the controversy came from the religious side, but no. What scandalizes the most are the scenes badually graphic and violent of the film which, according to some spectators, caused fainting during its projection at the Cannes Film Festival. In fact, there was an unofficial jury who declared it " the most misogynistic film of the best self-proclaimed director in the world."

Dafoe and Gainsbourg play a couple trying to overcome the death of their baby, However, things get completely out of control. There is a scene where while they are making love, she asks to be beaten, but as he does not feel comfortable, Charlotte goes out into the forest, naked, and complains under a tree. From there, women begin to emerge … Do you want to know more? See the band!

Nymphomaniac (2013)

Dissatisfied with the bulbs that he raised with Antichrist, he decides to participate again in the film of Lars Von Trier . This time, the story revolves around Joe, a 50-year-old woman who is nymphomaniac .

One winter night, Seligman, a charming old boy, discovers Joe lying in an alley after they've beaten him. He brings her home and takes care of her while she tells him the exuberant and multifaceted story of his life.

Although Dafoe played a secondary role, he did not escape the critics that this film unleashed

. Have you seen?

With information from Fotogramas, Bio Bio Chile, Vix and Sensacine

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