The critical analysis of the style of play Arturo Vidal after his day of glory in Barcelona – International Football


© AFP. <img srcset = "" alt = "The critical badysis of Arturo Vidal at l. after his day in Barcelona King & # 39;. TVN


Arturo Vidal lived his happiest day since his arrival at Barcelona ] after scoring the goal that ended the score 5-1 on Real Madrid in a new edition of the Clbadic of Spain.

However, despite the many praises addressed to the "King", all are not satisfied with the spectacle of the Chilean midfielder.

This after the newspaper Sport did a detailed badysis of the style of play of & # 22; 22 & # 39; des Blaugrana, that he lacked ingredients in his football to perfectly match the style of the Catalans.

 The message of Arturo Vidal after his debut in the clbadic between Barcelona and Real Madrid