the cultivated tastes of "almost charra" Antoine Griezmann


The thing that started as a game at the beginning of the week ended up becoming serious. On Monday, French striker Antoine Griezmann, in addition to talking about the quarterfinals in which his team will face Uruguay tomorrow, commented on his charra link: "I have something Uruguayan about it. , their style of play in which they give everything for the team They do not give up, it's a nationality and a country that I love, "he says.

The next day, Luis Surez finishes with the good vibrations. "As much as he says that he is half Uruguayan, he is French and does not know what is the Uruguayan sentiment, he will have his way of speaking Uruguayan, but we feel differently, "he replied bluntly


The link of Gaul with Uruguay began to be generated in 2009, in San Sebastián, Spain, when the technician of Real Sociedad, the Uruguayan Martn Lasarte, has selected a French team to strengthen the first

"In the preseason, we plane I needed a football player and we chose him, who was young, I played very well in these pre-season games and then we came out second division champions. " UC and U.

In Donosti, Griezmann shared with three Uruguayans, although he was closer to the striker Carlos Bueno, who helped him in the adaptation. "Carlos became a very good friend and took care of him, as well as Claudio Bravo, the older ones took care of him, because he was a child, he always kept that image", complete Lasarte

. Lasarte himself, on his return from a trip to Uruguay, gave him a game.

"I do not know if it was his first companion, but the first vacation after I l & # 39; I met him, I brought him a companion who made his teammates, "adds the trainer.

In 2014 emigrated to Attilico de Madrid, club in which again coincided with Uruguayan partners. With Diego Godn, his wife and physical trainer Richard "Papote" Gonzlez generated an intense friendship.In fact, they shared several roasts together.

"Diego is a great friend, I'm with him all days, he is the godfather of my daughter and will be a great excitement for me, if I am at Attico de Madrid it is for Godn ", declared Griezmann recently

The French, fan of the group Maram and artist Lucas Sugo, both Uruguayan, were one of the luxury guests of Godn's wedding in December, in his "second country"

& # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; Uruguay will play its game; They will take their time, they will fall, they will go to protest against the referee. That's what we do in the attic. ANTOINE GRIEZMANN

& # 39; & # 39; I do not know if it was his first companion, but during the first vacation after meeting him, I brought him one. what their partners do. "MARTN LASARTE, former striker technician

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