The curse lasts! There are already four lost home finals for Rayados


Rayados of Monterrey is an alien team in his own home . On Wednesday night, he left another final for his people and everything indicates that the curse of the BBVA Bancomer Stadium has been going on for a long time.

After losing the final of the Copa MX to La Máquina del Cruz Azul by the score of 2- 0, Rayados added his fourth loss in a contested final in his "court".

The curse began at Clausura 2016 when the league final was played against the Pachuca Tuzos, who lost by a total score of 2-1.

was followed by the first Regiomontan Clbadic in a league final in December 2017. After scoring a team goal in the first leg, the Tigers exceeded their maximum opponent 1-2 turn and increased. the championship in hostile territory.

Then, in the Women's League, Rayados and Tigres went to see their faces during the final which took place in La Pandilla's house. The felines eventually won the championship, which further increased the rivalry.

Now Cruz Azul was Rayados' executioner in the 2018 Copa MX after winning 2-0 and contributing to his contribution. drought trophies regiomontanos in his own stadium.

Memelogía: Cruz Azul is champion of the Copa MX but did not miss the black humor


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