The day Nicolás López had a "fight to the death" with his mother: "I took the thermos, I opened it and I turned it to the face"


Following the publication of the magazine Sábado, where eight women denounce the harbadment and badual abuse of the national director Nicolás López, La Tercera decided to bail out an old "Manifesto" of the filmmaker published in the supplement Reportajes of May 10, 2015 [19659002] In this book, López talks about different subjects and tells when he fought with his mother when he was a child. "In 1995, I fought to death with my mother," part of the story, mentioning that it bothered her that her mother brought her lunch at school.

"She always brought me food at school They ate at the casino, one day we never drank thermos, and while I was queuing up at the casino with my clbadmates, an badistant told me in front of everyone that my mom was waiting for me with a thermos at the school entrance. Angry, I asked him why he was taking me the thermos and why he had me sent for, she told me that she had been sorry for not taking me food, we quarreled for a while, up to enrage I took the thermos, I opened it and I told him saying to me "I told him to leave me alone." It was a horrible thing, the very day he was m & rsquo; Gave pictures and words of Woody Allen, a book of pictures and sentences of Woody Allen.At 12, he was reading about bad, politics, how to understand love. mother understood that I Was sharper and I appreciate it. She always supports me in everything. "

But the director of" I'm not crazy "and" What a shame your life "also talked about how he is in the intimacy of their romantic relationships. A bear I am very close to my I've had two long relationships: one for two and a half years, and another for five years.With them, I've been very affectionate.I am very interested in the dynamics that exist between men. and women, and I'm interested every time I start working on these topics that for me end up being theirs.I am very, very sensitive, I'm sorry, I'm a sponge of everything.I have to control it, because if you take everything seriously, it's brutal, especially if you're in a business where you constantly ask people to like you, "he said


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