The Department of Foreign Affairs reactivates the accused's extradition request to the United States of the crime of Víctor Jara


The Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs will reactivate a request for extradition of ex-civil servant Pedro Pablo Barrientos Núñez, in the United States since 1989, accused of being the material author of crime of folklorist Víctor Jara in 1973, said Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero. In 2014, Barrientos was extradited to the United States, but the trial remains unanswered.

"This is a cause of human rights violations and it was essential to reactivate this outstanding issue," he told the newspaper. The Third Chancellor Ampuero

In a civil lawsuit, a US federal court declared in June 2016, the former Chilean official responsible for the murder of Víctor Jara, and ordered the payment of $ 28 million in compensation to his family.

Jara, a member of the Communist Party, was detained at the Technical University of the State, where he was a professor, the day after the coup d'etat that led He shook the government of the socialist Salvador Allende and installed the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

After being arrested, Jara was jailed with 5,000 other people in the Chile Stadium, a sports center in the center of Santiago that now bears his name and where he was recognized by military personnel who Brutally tortured

– Impunity –
The reactivation of the extradition request of Barrientos, accused of being one of those who fired Jara, following the ruling on Tuesday released Chilean judge Miguel Vázquez, who sentenced nine retired soldiers for the murder of the folklorist.

The magistrate sentenced eight members of the army to 18 years in prison as perpetrators of the murder and kidnapping of Jara and the former director of the prisons, Littre Quiroga Carvajal, arrested and murdered with the folklorist.

A ninth exoficial was sentenced to five years for his liability as an accessory to both homicides. 9659005] Littre Quiroga, 33, was National Director of Prisons and a member of the Communist Party. His body, also with signs of torture, was found next to Jara's in a vacant lot near the Santiago Metropolitan Cemetery.

According to the results of the exhumation, Jara's body had 44 bullets

this failure is a major defeat for those who want to deny history and bring a severe blow to impunity . But it is also true that a conviction that occurs after 45 years can hardly be considered fair, "said Saturday in a public statement, the widow of singer-songwriter Joan Jara and her daughters Manuela and Amanda

singer-songwriter, however, announced that his fight for justice "does not stop there."

"There are still several judicial processes that we will face with the same conviction as always for that justice be done, "they added in the statement.

Author of songs such as" I remember you Amanda "," El cigarrito "or" El manifiesto ", Víctor Jara is considered a symbol of the Chilean song, musical and social movement that developed in the 1960s until the early 1970s, which also included artists such as Violeta and Isabel Parra and the groups Quilapayún and Inti-Illimani [19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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