The difficult days of Paz Bascuñán: Actress today will break her silence on the case of Nicolás López


Paz Bascuñán does not have a good time. After accusations of harbadment and badual abuse against Herval Abreu, the actress sadly saw the fall of the man who led her in the most successful productions that she did on Channel 13. And now, after the allegations of harbadment at work were made public and the badual abuse against Nicolás López, the woman behind "Cristina Moreno" spent the whole weekend in tears, according to the revelations to the members of his intimate entourage.

It turns out that López not only promoted her film career, she is also partner of her husband, Miguel Asencio, and godfather of one of her children. There are many reasons for the filmmaker's accusers' powerful stories to hit her in the depths. Therefore, according to closely, took the time before publicly referring to the subject and on Tuesday only break the silence with a statement to be published in their social networking accounts.

As Juan Pablo Queraltó said in "The morning CHV", in this statement would support the complaining women, but would not touch the issue of her husband and his job with the director of the production company Sobras.

"She is very downcast, very complicated with this situation, because he is dealing with his friends, Herval Abreu and Nicolás López," said journalist Andrés Caniulef in the morning, after talking with one of his neighbors.

According to the report of Publimetro, the actress wrote and rewrote her statement several times, since her biggest concern is that the complaints do not lend themselves to being a comedillo in the show.

And while Lopez's controversy hits her, her future is unfinished as the August 30th ends her contract with Channel 13 and until now it's not sure that it will be renewed. . "Channel 13 public relations say that, indeed, they have asked him a lot (Bascuñán's resignation) They do not believe he's resigning," Queraltó said about the rumor of the release of the Actress of the private signal.

inside the Luksic sign they confirmed that Paz Bascuñán has made a very good offer to be part of a new fiction project in which he would make "a character that 39 he found super appealing ". Therefore, they say that they would evaluate its continuity and that the "yes" would depend only on an agenda, because a new film will be filmed next October.

For the time being and until he publishes a statement, everything in Bascuñán's life seems to be in a permanent point of suspension

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