The director of & # 39; Guardians of the Galaxy & # 39; is returned for offensive tweets


James Gunn, director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" saga, was fired this Friday by Disney Studios, for a series of old tweets that have recently resurfaced and in which he jokes about rape or pedophilia.

Offensive attitudes and comments found on James' Twitter are indefensible and contrary to the values ​​of our studies, and we broke our business relationship with him, "said Disney's president, Alan Horn, in a statement. press release published by US media.

In a statement issued by the magazine "Hollywood Reporter", Gun stated that he regretted it and that he took full responsibility for the tweets.

  They dismiss the director of
(AP, file)

James Gunn, director of the saga of the "guardians of the galaxy." (AP, archive)

Thursday, Gunn had spoken on Twitter of his old comments and explained that at the time he saw himself as a "provocateur" who "made outrageous and taboo jokes", but that "His days saying things just because they were shocking and were trying to to have a reaction have already taken place. "

1. Many people who have followed my career know when I started, I saw myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were scandalous and taboo. often said publicly, as I developed it as a person, my work and my humor did too.

– James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 20, 2018

I will not say I'm better, but I'm very, very different from what I was a few years ago, "said the 51-year-old American filmmaker

.2 That's not to say I'm going better, but i am very, very different from what i was a few years ago; today i am trying to root my work in love and connection and less in anger.My days saying something just because it's shocking and trying to have a reaction are over.

– James Gunn (@JamesGunn) 20 July 2018

In one of the tweets, dating from his majority from 2008 to 2011, Gunn wrote, for example:

The best thing about being raped, it's when the rape is over and you think it's awesome, do not be raped! & # 39;

Gunn wrote and directed The two previous versions of "Guardians of the Galaxy" and the third was due to arrive in 2020. It is unclear who will take over.

The old tweets were revealed and published by the conservative website "Daily Caller" and immediately there were voices calling for Gunn to be fired by Disney

Gunn is a well-known critic of US President Donald Trump, and in December he said that he did not care if his political position made him lose fans

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information from dpa.


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