The error of Arturo Vidal to which they alluded in Italy – International Football


© AFP   The mistake made by Arturo Vidal in Italy

A media from this country recalled that the Chilean midfielder was about to reach Inter Milan but preferred Barcelona even though he knew that would have little space to play. Tvn


Arturo Vidal did not have a good time in in Barcelona . And the fact is that the few minutes that he had added, the boredom of the technician Ernesto Valverde for making public his anger through social networks, only wanted to stay on the bench substitutes in the last match against Sevilla.

In this context, and before the match between the Barça team at the Inter of Milan for the Champions League, they remembered in Italy the proximity of the middle of Chilean field to join the Neroazzurro team. but who preferred to arrive at the abutment team.

"The Chilean was only a protagonist of social networks, he was not able to reverse Valverde's preference for Arthur", noted the portal Tuttosport .

In addition, the media pointed out that the midfielder had leaned towards Barcelona at the expense of Inter "without understanding that he would have little room to play".

Vidal now plans to add a report to the meeting between Barcelona and Inter Milan, scheduled for Wednesday, October 24 from 16h, for the third date of group B champions . League


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