The Forest asks to investigate a charge accused of drug trafficking and to see if there are more employees involved | National


The Municipality of El Bosque filed a complaint in the eleventh bail court of Santiago against an official who works in the entity and who is the subject of an investigation for drug trafficking and illegal transport. The woman, who has worked for 25 years in the municipality, works as a telephone operator and was arrested during an operation that took place in September in the municipality of La Pintana . a large amount of drugs was seized with nine other persons

On this occasion, the court ruled that the municipal official had to comply with the measure of preventive detention so that it was part for a month. its functions. She is currently in nocturnal night detention

After being absent from work due to her incarceration, the woman was informed of the same municipality that she would be the subject of a internal summary review, which would remove him from his duties. ]

The mayor of the municipality, Sadi Melo, said it was difficult to reproduce this situation because of the filters used today to contract. 2018/11 / cu-sady-melo-por-oficia-narco.mp3

Reinaldo Flores, legal director of the municipality, added that the criminal complaint is filed due to the obligation for the mayor to report crimes. serious character.

The municipality does not exclude that there may be more officials involved so he asked the Prosecutor to investigate the situation because they do not have the powers available to the police.

For the moment, they will wait for the outcome of the investigation conducted by the appointed prosecutor in the internal summary to see if the alleged perpetrator is fired.

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