The goal is called Herrera


What Emanuel Herrera looks like in science fiction, his numbers are above perfection. In the region, it looks like a "machine" that never fails, who knows what to do coldly. His obsession is that the ball between the three sticks so that the pbadion overflows from the end (heavenly).

The story is always rewritten, although this time it was 18 years before Eduardo Esidio could be beaten. If Wednesday, he matched Huancayo's head to show that he was taking up the challenge, he was writing his name home in Peruvian football with gold letters.

One can run well, but Argentina seemed normal that it was normal. state of permanent grace. Every 89 minutes on average, Cristal fans celebrate the goal of this "serial killer" that has scored in all its forms: free kick, penalty, head, shot right and left. A complete player who reaches the top of his career with the crystal shirt.

At age 31, the search for happiness is over. Sometimes you find it in an unexpected place. Herrera has returned to Peru to close an unfinished circle and is now enjoying the results. Ovacionado at Alberto Gallardo, his two goals against Binacional reinforce their effectiveness to lead him to glory.

Triumph increases heavenly trust by thinking of the final where they will define the title. The visit decided to put a padlock on his defense to prevent anyone from violating them, until Yulián Mejía, before the end of the first half, put the game on a game station and sends the ball at the angle to break the lock and that afternoon painting full of a heavenly color.

In the second half, without much pressure to defeat the mark, Herrera arranged the ball with two touches so that the third was a shot to the side, impossible for the goalkeeper who flew to improve the picture Emanuel celebrates the fact of move his arms, as if he was carrying a child, his son, born a few weeks ago and who has become a new motivation.

Already in the history of Peruvian football, everyone can think that every scorer is selfish, caring only for personal success, but Herrera still thinks of the team. He points out leaving Mejía alone, which marks the second goal of his personal account to make the most of a binational already delivered. one of his main partners – and who collects coldly. From one side and to celebrate that. The 39th goal of the season in the tournament, a figure that seems unrealistic and places him at the forefront of world players in a local league.

He still has three games for which he can extend his mark, but no one doubts that in Peru, the goal is called Herrera.

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