The hard time that he lives "Super Taldo": he is serious and unconscious due to heart disease | TV and show


Unconscious and with a "bad" prognosis. This is currently Agustín Arenas (58), who suffers from the Tourette syndrome and who, in 1972, played in the iconic interview of Bernardo de la Maza [19459005whowouldthenbenicknamed Super Taldo .

Pathology is a neurological disorder without remedy that is characterized by a series of motor and phonic tics, which can decrease with medical treatments.

The video of the interview (which you can see below) generated a series of comments at the time tending to make fun of the teenager. However, it served to make known the disease which, until then, was foreign to the Chileans.

According to the national newspaper La Cuarta, the journalist has a close relationship with Arenas. and, even, have shared together in the events held in recent months.

That's why the communicator decided to share the unfortunate news through their social networks. "He is seriously ill because of heart disease, and he is recovering at the Hospital Universitario Católica," reports de la Maza to the aforementioned newspaper, adding that he "is sedated and unconscious. "

Since Friday he is in the care center to a heart attack, which would keep him with a "bad" prognosis. "I spoke with his family, they told me that he had never had a similar attack.However, it's a genetic problem, since his brother is hospitalized." for the same reason, "says the reporter.

On Twitter, they ask that they pray for their quick improvement through a prayer chain. The journalist is one of the main precursors of this initiative. In the social network, he wrote: "Join a prayer chain at 22:00, praying for a Our Father and Ave Maria, for the health of Agustín Arenas, our beloved Super Taldo."

Join us prayer chain, at 22:00, praying a Our Father and Ave Maria, for the health of Agustín Arenas, our beloved Super Taldo. Favor RT

– Bernardo de la Maza (@bdelamaza) 3 July 2018

In addition, he reported that they needed volunteers to donate blood to continue their treatments and save their lives .

Blood is needed of all kinds. Donors go to the blood bank of Clínico Universidad Católica Hospital, Marcoleta 345, on behalf of Agustín Arenas. Favor RT

– Bernardo de la Maza (@bdelamaza) July 3, 2018

However, the bad news for Arenas has been coming for some time. His father died a year ago from heart problems, his mother was blind and his brother, who also suffered a heart attack, was admitted to the USI the same day he had a problem health.

Super Taldo wrote in his personal Facebook account that "my mother is blind and I have her at home to take care of her. Now, my brother is seriously in the USI because of his heart. The worst thing is that I am alone and I do not know what to do.

Agustin's sister, Nelly Arenas, said that "we are going through a very difficult time, we do not know how it happened (…) overcome, despite our support. "

" It is very serious, it was related to an artificial heart. He fights to stay alive, "condemned his sister.

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