The harsh testimony of Terry Crews after being sexually assaulted


Terry Crews, is recognized by the trademark of the Old Spice brand. However, after this funny scene the actor who plays it Tuesday told the US Senate Judiciary Committee his experience as a victim of badual abuse to support a new law on the subject.

During his testimony, he explained that at a party, Adam Venit, chief of the department of one of the country's most important talent agencies, l & # 39; 39, caught by the bads

. a few minutes. But what he really said while holding my bads in his hands, was that he had the power, which he controlled " he said.

The actor added: "The person who did this was the head of the cinema department of my own agency. He said that he was drunk, that he had fallen, it was not him . "

Later, when asked why he had not reacted violently, Crews replied:" Senator, I am a black man in the United States. You only have a few possibilities to enter . And he continued, "You are unlikely to become a viable person for the community. I'm from Flint, Michigan. H and seen many young black people provoked to violence and are in prison or were killed. And they are not here. "

WATCH – @terrycrews Opening Statement:" I am honored to use my platform and my story to help create additional civil protections for survivors across the country under badual badault. #SurvivorsBillofRights . "

Full video here:

– CSPAN (@cspan) June 26, 2018

After the revelation, the remarkable actor added that " Many people do not believe that someone like me could be a victim, and what happened has happened to many, many of them. In Hollywood. And since I 've introduced my story, thousands and thousands of men have come to tell me: me too . "

Crews confirmed that he will not participate in the fourth part of the saga" The Incredibles "the producer, Avi Lerner, asked him to forget the lawsuit against Venit.

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