The history of Argentina gives up the selection


It was inevitable that the hard elimination in the second round of Russia 2018 would have consequences within the Argentine national team. His first victim, Javier Mascherano, who claimed to retire and only a fan of more than the team.

"This whole thing is over, from now on, I'm a fan of the Argentinian team, let's hope these guys can win something in the future," said the Hebei Fortune midfielder. played 141 starts with the albiceleste, being the player with more appearances in this country.

On the other hand, and although he is not playing the match against France, Lucas Biglia will also take a step aside in the trans-Andean cast. "We are leaving with sadness because for some it's the end and it's not the way we wanted to … I hope that those who come here have and can work with confidence and take care of it." Argentina where she deserves it, "said the Milan midfielder after the match.

Between this climate of uncertainty, the one that ensured its continuity was Sergio Agüero. The Manchester City striker said: We all know that there are young players who, in my ticket, are coming back with great success. You always give your best in the club and as long as the coach is there, Jorge or whatever, I still need it, I'll be ready. "

We still have to wait for the reaction of Lionel Messi, who has already resigned once after the defeat of Copa America Centenario 2016 and who still does not refer to his situation for those of blue and white.

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