The Hunt: Reveal trailer of the series on the psychopath Alto Hospicio | Society


Mega unveiled the trailer of "The Hunt: The Girls of Alto Hospicio" series based on the crimes committed by the psychopath Alto Hospicio, Julio Perez Silva.

The production tells the story of César Rojas (Francisco Melo), a detective who travels from Santiago to take the case of a series of teenagers disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Alto Hospicio .

In investigation, he must collaborate with Carrasco (Gastón Salgado) to unravel the rugged truth behind this city: a sub-world of drug trafficking and white smuggling .

The eight chapters are produced by Villano (Red Eyes, Zamudio), directed by Juan Ignacio Sabatini and written by Enrique Videla and Rodrigo Fluxá, who based the story on the profile of Pérez Silva who wrote this last for his book "Los malos" (2015).

Background or CNTV will premiere at Mega on July 22 after Ahora Noticias.

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