The kiss of Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber


Networks burn and all because of a kiss. The protagonists of this pbadionate image are Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin . It's the singer himself who has published a romantic photo between him and his beloved who kisses lovingly on Instagram.

His legend is an affectionate name that the artist gives to his daughter, "Hunny buns punkin", wrote the ancient of Selena Gómez . The couple kisses with strength and shows their side more in love than ever before.

The lovebirds, who prepare their religious wedding, have just landed in London where the publication Page six ensures that they were made a tattoo on the face in order to show his love .


According to several sources, the couple pronounced the "Yes, I accept" at a civil ceremony in September sealing their love. The image of these two kisses was not so well received, it still lacks his followers to Selena Gomez and they let him know.

"I still believe in Selena and you", "Selena is better," they wrote some of her fans. The entry of the performer of "Back to you" in a psychiatric center has brought many people to feel compbadion for the singer, who always considers by these disciples the true love of Justin.

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