The lawyer Nicolás López assures that "he is not an aggressor" and that "there are false statements" in the accusations


As has been the case throughout the morning, Sabado magazine in El Mercurio today published eight stories of women accusing director Nicolás López of badual abuse and harbadment at work. .

The reactions were not made to wait, and that is why the lawyer of the filmmaker, Paula Vial, made some statements regarding the accusations serious. Everything, through a statement sent by the strategic communication firm Imaginacción and published by Cooperativa

"In connection with the accusations published today in the magazine Sábado, on behalf of Nicolás López, I want to emphasize that we let's evaluate the legal actions "We are convinced that Nicolás is not an abuser and that this will be demonstrated by our actions." 19659002] <! [CDATA[]]>

Finally, he repeated that the information published Saturday had been decontextualized. "We value journalistic investigations and we respect the right of any person to denounce, nevertheless, to state situations in an incomplete or decontextualized way, leads to public trials. misleading, "said the lawyer

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