The legislative offensive that Ximena Ossandón will launch against the stalkers after the Nicolás López affair


The report of El Sábado magazine, where eight actresses denounce the director of television Nicolás López of badual abuse provoked the reaction of the deputy Ximena Ossandón who decided to support resolutely "I am very happy that women are determined to denounce this type of abusive practices no matter what the price is.The fact that there were eight women who tell how they have been badually abused and raped is an example for all of us. Dignity must always be defended, despite all the pressures to which we may be exposed "he says

Ossandón believes that the communication strategy of Nicolás López who hired Imaginaccion to manage your image, will not give you results because "jotear" or being "fool" as he says in his YouTube video is not not to kiss a woman by force, throw her to bed to deliver a document a film and touching the private parts without consent. "

" It is an abuse and I know that it is not imbecility, but the use of power in the caves. " I invite all these women to sue because, as a signal to society, it would be a very powerful thing for all of us."

Legislature adds that " luckily people realize that López uses euphemisms to explain the unexplainable .The victims' story is so credible, so precise, that it leaves no room for doubt. are not crazy enough to believe that seduction means throwing a woman to bed so that she can win a role in a movie.We also do not believe that it is the black humor of the director. It is badual abuse, it is the exploitation of the work force, it is the lack of ethics, it is little of 39, empathy with women who need to work.

The MP announced the introduction of a bill prohibiting producers and natural persons involved in cases of abuse to be applied to competitive public funds of culture and entertainment .

He will also submit a draft resolution for the Chilean government to investigate the television industry . "I believe that a working group should also be formed between the Ministry of Culture, the television channels and the trade unions of actors to generate measures of prevention and channeling of the complaints", a- he said.

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