The macho tweets that have Baradit, writer of the Secret History of Chile, presenting excuses Glamorama


Author: C. Farías / A. Cantuarias / July 6, 2018

"It would be interesting to milk women, to accelerate the period to obtain egg cultures every three days for example . "

This and other posts in the same tone, published by the writer Jorge Baradit in his Twitter account between 2008 and 2011, has authored the bestseller The Secret History Chile by apologizing.

In the week when the denunciations of women against the director of the cinema Nicolás López for harbadment and badual abuse, many testimonies and antecedents emerged on the web

Another writer, Francisco Ortega, friend of Baradit and Nicolás López , took the floor and apologized for "having approved jokes (de López)

Later, a text published more than a decade ago on the site – the producer of Lopez – where Ortega and the director of No Estoy Loca exchanged opinions in that tone of the actress Leonor Varela:

López: "Will not you throw it?"

Ortega: "It's … the same … The mine is rich, that I can not deny it … In fact, I think dogs on this side of the world is by far in my top 1, not because it is more delicious than others, but by the wave … The dog has his stuff. And in terms of bads, the Varela is quite well endowed. "

Before the condemnation in the networks, Ortega, author of the novel Lodge, apologized, but criticism continues and Jorge Baradit went out to defend him:

" I am a friend of Pancho Ortega. I do not know more calm, kindness, kindness and respect in the literary world. Judging by a blog of more than 15 years, where I wrote as a character, is crazy. All writers unfold, sometimes they are badbadins, sometimes they are crazy. It's crazy. "

However, Twitter users have not received this support from Baradit to Ortega and reminded him of his own macho tweets.Before this, the author of The Secret History of Chile also presented apologies:

There are 8 tweets from their original conversation, so they alone do not understand

I apologized for how they might offend anyone. I insist, they are caught with tweezers of their wire.
: /

– baradit (@baradit) July 6, 2018

The language 10 years ago was different from now That changed quickly, there are problems we all thought normal
I apologize for the language we used We were not aware of it I understand the damage that he does and favors its elimination.

– baradit (@baradit) July 5, 2018





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