The magical afternoon of Eduard Bello that ended in tragedy


It seemed like a magical afternoon for Venezuelan player Deportes Antofagasta Eduard Bello opening the scoring at the Sausalito Stadium ] Everton .

The figure of the "Pumas" went to the stands where his partner was, Gabriela Brito national of Venezuelan beach volleyball and with ring in hand requested marriage . She accepted and everything was a happiness for the football player, but things changed in less than 90 minutes

While the "sovereign" of the cast returned him to the field, with goals from Francisco Venegas ( 39 ') and Marco Bueno (42 º) Bello's joy was also reversed.

Although the former Carabobo FC scored again, the provisional tie before resting, at 69, had left after a clash with Dilan Zúñiga. The North Distribution stated that he was suffering "from a simple fracture of the fibula" .

Medical Report of @ EduardBello20

– CDAntofagasta (@ClubAntofagast) 28 October 2018

But that's not all, because in addition of 83,, Oscar Salinas condemned the ultimate 3-2 in favor of the viñamarinos.

Bello is defeated and injured. At least his girlfriend gave him the yes.

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