The mattress takes Marcelo


Marcelo managed to play exactly 10 minutes in the game in which Brazil beat Serbia to secure first place in Group E, which was played at Spartak Stadium in Moscow. Later, he set up the concern in the biggest country of South America. Four minutes earlier, Real Madrid felt discomfort in their spine and was literally paralyzed. He had to get the ball out of the field. Spasms was the description that was used to describe the disease that prevented him from continuing to play so as not to risk a major injury. He had to replace Luis Filipe, who plays for Atletico Madrid

The cause of the left-handed pain would be unusual, the culprit is not the wear produced by the season or the demanding tournament in Russia. Neither an overload attributable to a poorly chosen routine by Tite's technical staff. Finally, according to the studies that have been carried out and the conclusions of the staff who serves the powerful Scratch, Marcelo was injured because of the mattress on which he slept last night in Moscow. The bed in which he had to replenish the energies ends up becoming a trap. In his worst enemy

In the post-match conference, the Brazilian coach, Titus, had shown his concern. In fact, not even risky to ensure the presence of the player against Mexico. In parallel, the medical team immediately began looking for an explanation to the problem that touches one of the best figures of the South American World Cup team. Especially considering the need to have the left in the conditions for the knockout stages. The star merengue pain and the proximity of the match against the Aztecs, which will be played on Monday, advise caution and restraint.

"(The spasms are due) to the mattress of the hotel where we were staying in Moscow.It is still early to talk about the evolution of this problem.It has responded very well to the physiotherapy treatment that we have performed at the stadium, but we have to wait 24 hours to make a better diagnosis, "explained Rodrigo Lasmar, the chief medical officer of the Brazilian delegation in Moscow

.He is already under treatment with drugs and physiotherapy to leave him in conditions as soon as possible and with the lowest possible risk.The initial pessimism begins to turn into hope that Marcelo manages to recover completely.

"With drugs, it is a good answer, but it is still early to know what will happen in the days to come. . If I were in a position I could play, but it depends on the evolution. As this is not an appropriate injury, it is not necessary to wait for the evaluation criteria. When he is ready, he will train again, "adds the professional.

Marcelo, meanwhile, prefers to be optimistic.A few hours after the match, he took his Twitter account to send an encouraging message on its evolution. "In a short time I will be back. Thank God it was not serious, "he wrote after Verdeamarilla's victory over the European team, and Tite expects him to return soon. [19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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