The media say Madrid players do not want Antonio Conte to be on DT


Yesterday Real Madrid recently experienced one of its worst defeats, after its collapse 5-1 against Barcelona in a new version of the Spanish derby. For this reason, its president, Florentino Pérez took the most severe step of dismissing the coach Julen Lopetegui .

And after the match, it was presumed that his successor at the post Antonio Conte but the situation undergoes a reversal. The Spanish press badured that Sergio Ramos and the leaders of the group did not want the Italian coach, criticized for his group management and his conflicting personality.

The media point out that a large part of the "merengue" team wanted Zinedine Zidane back on the bench a chance today very far away, because the Madrid helmsman would clearly intend to leave Santiago Solari in the interim until the end of the season. 19659004] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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