The new theory of fanatics of hidden truths puts Maria Luisa in danger


After Leonardo confronted Amelia for his supposed proximity to Agustina, a new chapter of Hidden Truths was experienced this Friday.

As the villain gets closer and closer to the truth about the character of Javiera Diaz Valdes, there was another scene that has become one of the most commented.

In a moment of tension, Maria Luisa confronted Gabriela for Leonardo's folly baduring her that her children are close. they kill each other, so he demanded that he control them.

Gabriela tells him not to forget that he had irrefutable evidence against Agustina / Amelia for Laura's abuse, so Lulu revealed that she also knows the crimes of her family.

"I know that your son Ricardo killed his father and I also know that it is Leonardo who killed the prosecutor.It's you who got rid of Muriel.So stop making a fool of yourself and make threats and learn how to better control your children " started a business.

Screenshot | Mega

Screenshot | Mega

Because of this, fans of the TV series began a new theory, making sure that the amount of information manipulated will turn it into the new death of the TV series.

Oops! It seems like you'll be the next Lulu ? … #VerdadesOcultas

– Carlaconce ☔️☔️ (@carla__con_ce) 13th July 2018

#verdadesocultas uta the lulu marking a patio of the callaos

– ALEJANDRO BAHAMONDES (@alebaham) July 13, 2018

#VerdadesOcultas Maria Luisa has her days numbered …

– veronica (@ velp13) July 13, 2018

#verdadesocultas uhhhh, the Lulu is already put around the neck. Soa Gaby is going to pity her! Chaaaa !!!!

– Cat weno pal weo (expato) (@ Patocuacua50) July 13, 2018

Nooo Maria Luisa because you told her you knew everything! I think they'll kill her ? #VerdadesOcultas

– Jonathan Kayser L. (@JonaKayser) July 13, 2018

#Verdades Ocultos Maria Luisa has arrived here ..

– Jari (@JaroContreras) July 13, 2018

The next dress of the queen, they have already taken the measures ……. pic.twitter .com / NVXvRvGZog

– Jaime Godoy Caffi (@Jaimegodoycaffi) July 13, 2018

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