The next Star Wars will include scenes from the late Carrie Fisher | Society


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Deceased actress Carrie Fisher will appear in the upcoming movie of the saga "Star Wars", thanks to the use of unpublished scenes that she recorded for "The Force Awakens ", according to Walt's study. Disney Co.

A man, with his dog, looks at a mural with an image of Princess Leia, a character from the Star Wars series played by actress Carrie Fisher, in Belfast. January 11, 2017. REUTERS / Clodagh Kilcoyne

The actor Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker – a character who is apparently dead in "The Last Jedi" – will also appear in the upcoming film, which will start shooting in London August 1, Disney said in a statement.

Fisher, who played Princiesa Leia, died suddenly at the age of 60 after suffering a cardiac arrest in December 2016, when he enjoyed the resurgence of his career thanks to the new installments of the franchise. Star Wars ". ", In which he was reunited with Hamill and Harrison Ford.

The actress had completed the filming of" The Last Jedi "and Leia was to be the central character in the ninth episode of the sci-fi saga , "Star Wars: Episode IX."

"We have not found a really satisfying conclusion to the Skywalker saga without it. We would never look for a replacement, or use a GC (computer-generated) image, "said JJ in a statement." Abrams, the director of "Episode IX."

"With the support and the Blessing of his daughter, Billie, we found a way to honor Carrie's legacy and her role as Leia in Episode IX by using unpublished scenes that we filmed together in the seventh episode Referring to "The Awakening of the Force."

Disney declared that after Fisher's death, the script of the ninth film of the saga was rewritten.

The statement adds that Billy Dee Williams will repeat his role as Lando Calrissian, a character appearing in "The Empire Strikes Back" then in "The Return of the Jedi", both of the 1980s.

Williams will join other actors and actresses who come back to participate in a franchise movie, such as Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Joh n Boyega, Lupita Nyong & # 39; o and Kelly Marie Tran.

"Episode IX", which still does not have any other official title, will be released in theaters in December 2019.

Disney and Lucasfilm announce last year that the release date of "Episode IX" was postponed for six months to December 2019, and Abrams had been hired to write and direct after the departure of original director, Colin Trevorrow.

Information from Jill Serjeant; edited in Spanish by Ricardo Figueroa

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