The Peruvian "talisman" that has the selection and the technician of Russia in the world


Russia surprises everyone in its World Cup. Although they were supporters of being local, many were not expecting anything from the Russians and the prognoses left them in the quarterfinals. But the selection led by Stanislas Cherchesov is covering the mouths and are already settled in the quarterfinals, having eliminated neither more nor less than Spain.

After equaling one during the 90 minutes and the extension, result that the Russians defended tooth and nail, everything was defined in the penalty shootout and Russia had its goalkeeper and captain Igor Akinfeev as a great hero to get the place in the round of the eight best. With two hidden penalties, one against Koke and the other against Iago Aspas, the goalie played an important role in ensuring that the hosts, who have not missed a throw, have gone around. The Russian team to advance to the quarterfinals and technique Stanislav Cherchesov surprised everyone at the press conference held after the match. After answering questions, the DT called Lorenzo de Chosica, a correspondent Peruvian journalist for El Líbero, and gave him a custom shirt from Russia "because he was one the few who trusted us ". 19659003] "Lorenzo, is your victory, not mine Did you all see that?" He said we were going to win a long, long time ago … Thank you very much, Lorenzo. Still a few people like you The team and we, of course, won the World Cup. "

After the great gesture of the coach, Lorenzo de Chosica said:" I work with the newspaper Líbero and I was accredited for the last meetings of the Russian team After the press conferences, the Russian journalists in chorus predicted that the participation of Russia would be a complete failure that she could not win a match or score goals. He raised his voice and said that they were My belief was not just that of d & # 39; an enthusiast but I know for myself what it is to play football ",

" Yesterday (Saturday), at 2 o'clock in the afternoon I received the call from him He said: 'I want you to be at the press conference tomorrow & # 39; (…) So, I promised to be present. Today, at the time of the penalty shoot – out, I was in the stands, watching the penalties. He calls me his talisman, I did not expect this gift " finished.

The Russian technician Stanislav Cherchesov celebrates the ranking with the Peruvian journalist Lorenzo de Chosica, collaborator of @liberope In this World Cup, the compatriot lives in Moscow years ago and is one of those who showed his support before the World Cup pic.twitter. com / 4ig8w26hJL

– Gustavo Peralta Coello (@ Gustavo_p4) July 1, 2018

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