The powers that could be lost in Peru after the threat of FIFA | Soccer


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Mark Brown | Getty Images / Agence France-Presse

FIFA warned on Monday that Peru would be "immediately suspended" if the controversial rule amending the law on the strengthening of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) is promulgated. [19659006] "If the plenary session of the Congress of your country adopts amendments to the law in the second round, then the Peruvian President promulgates them, the FPF will be suspended with immediate effect," said FIFA in a letter to the Federation. Peruvian football, which spread in the press.

  Odd Andersen | Agence France-Presse
Odd Andersen | Agence France-Presse

"This suspension will be lifted as soon as the current version of the law adopted by the Congress of the Republic will be reinstated," the letter said.

On Tuesday, the plenary session of the Congress was approved by a majority. first vote amend the law on the FPF. But FIFA does not allow the interference of politics in the affairs of football federations.

International Tournaments Threatened

If the project progresses in Congress and ends its legislative process, the consequences of the suspension are tangible: The Peruvian team has not been able to meet commitments with other FIFA teams, including Copa America Brasil 2019 ; South American Subdivision 20 to be held in Chile in January 2019; South American Submarines 17 and World Submarines 17 that Peru is organizing at the moment; Panamerican Games Lima 2019 ; and, above all, the Qualifiers for the Qatar World Cup 2022 .

Meanwhile, the clubs of the local championship would not participate in continental competitions: Copa Libertadores and Sudamericana .

Similarly, Peru could not host the final of the Copa Sudamericana in 2019, established by Conembol, also could not host the World Under-17 Championship and the South American Championship , scheduled for next year.

"We are watching the events closely, we are worried, as is the whole country"

– Ricardo Gareca, DT of Peru

Although Peruvian football still has some ;hope. The change to the standard will be voted on again this week, perhaps Thursday, for the last time. If it is approved, it will be transferred to the executive so that the President Martín Vizcarra, within 15 working days, promulgates it, rejects it or observes it.

In the event that a majority of Congress members reject the amendment in the second round of voting, the standard will pbad to committees or be clbadified, according to Congress.

The Peruvian Federation failed

After hearing this agreement in Congress, the FPF recalled in a statement that "FIFA and Conmebol have repeatedly warned the FPF has declared that a change or a a repeal of the law, in the last instance, would result in a process of evaluation of sanctions against our institution, including its suspension, which would imply the loss of all its sporting and administrative rights. "[19659009] of Peru, indicates in its letter that after having advanced in the process of strengthening the FPF and set a date for the election of the Executive Committee of the FPF, "we know that the law proposes to amend the law nine months after having approved it. "

The FPF announced that it was planning to hold elections to renew its directive in December 2019, in agreement with FIFA and Conmebol.

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ARCHIVE | Agence France-Presse

Gareca worried

The coach of Peru's football, the Argentine Ricardo Gareca, at a press conference, worried Friday of the 39, possible approval by the Peruvian Congress of this modification of the standard. 19659006] "We are following the events closely, and we are concerned, as is the whole country (on the law of strengthening the FPF)," he said.

"I never thought to feel that kind of worry, especially because we had some really good times, like the World ranking after 36 years ", says the" Tiger "

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