The protagonist of The Nanny revealed the trauma that made her thin during the series | Society


Fran Drescher the protagonist of The Nanny, revealed the situation that generated post-pituitary stress and forced her to struggle with constant weight during the broadcast of the popular sitcom.

At a round table in New York, the 60-year-old actress told that "in 1985, a man entered her home, threatened her with a gun and raped her .

"I was a victim of a violent crime a few years before" The Nanny ", and I had not really dealt with that. J & # 39; I had to deal with that once I became famous Honestly, I liked going to work and being Fran Fine, because it was funnier and lighter, and my life was in mess, I think that was part of why I was so skinny, "she says.

Drescher reported that "when I sold the show (1993), it weighed 64 kilos, and when we were in the fifth season, it weighed maybe 49 kilos."

The interpreter said that she a healthy weight, he insisted that it is important to "honor" the body and make it clear that he does not miss his slim figure.

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