"The Queen of Franklin" has ready the date and time of her first Tell Me More


"The Franklin Reina" is the new television series for Cbad 13 to be broadcast in the evening and will be fully badociated with the clbadification competition.

It is for this reason that the ancient station of the angels announced strong campaign to promote the teleserie, because we will have a lively dispute with "Isla Paraíso" of Mega. sense, Channel 13 announced that the date of the first broadcast would be Monday, November 19 at 8:00 pm. The story will feature Javiera Contador, Claudia di Girólamo and Francisco Pérez-Bannen and will tell what's going on in the neighborhood in the middle of a conflict over the sale of commercial premises. what will happen in the soap opera, stating that the war will start from the beginning.

The first episode will focus on the birthday of Yoli, protagonist of a story personified by Javiera Contador.

But not everything is going to be a party, because during the party things will get complicated, because the conflict will start to develop due to the sale of commercial premises.

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