The reason that would explain the surprise appointment of Esteban Paredes in La Roja – The Red


© Agencia Uno.   The reason that would explain the surprise appointment of Esteban Paredes to La Roja

The attacker would be honored for his career in national football, which is why the player was quoted. The controversy resulted in the appointment of Esteban Paredes to the Chilean selection after Reinaldo Rueda repeatedly declared that he was looking for a replacement in the # 39; team.

However, in the last few hours, the reason for the quote of the attacker would have been announced. He will be honored for his career in national football as reported Fox Sports .

In the red, they will take advantage of this double date of FIFA to recognize the player, knowing that it is very likely that he will not be present at the next Copa America of Brazil 2019 .

 The returns that the Chilean national team will have at the next date of FIFA