The Red Women have won a historic victory against Australia | The sports


A historic victory won the National Women's Team of Chile against Australia, in a friendly match played at Penrith near Sydney

The Chileans managed to win 3-2 against the ocean table before the World Cup in France in 2019 managing to beat one another. of the best teams in the world, located at the sixth place FIFA ranking

The goals of the team of José Letelier were the work of Francisca Lara (20 & 39) 😉 Carla Guerrero (48th) and Yessenia Huenteo (90th) while those of the locals ran under the name of Emily Van Egmond ].

Who made reference to the disputed match was Yanara Aedo who, through their social networks shared his joy and congratulated his colleagues with three photographs of the meeting.

" With them, the war and everywhere … We continue to dream together, THANK YOU !! white, red and blue UNTIL LAS VÉRTEBRAS!", He writes in the caption .

The return leg will be played on Tuesday, at 5:30 pm, Chile time at the McDonald Jones Stadium. from Newcastle.

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