The second best result of the team: the "best salary" that Lucas Barrios will win at Colo Colo


The management of Black and White fulfilled one of the aspirations that dragged on for some months: "repatriate" to Lucas Barrios . At the beginning of the year, the former president of the dealer, Aníbal Mosa, failed in the negotiations, even though he went to Buenos Aires in search of the city. striker

. , Gabriel Ruiz-Tagle although he reached the goal and sealed an agreement with the Panther, who will sign a contract Friday with the albos until December 2019. [19659002] The return of Argentina-Paraguay fast for the new administration of B & W, but millionaire for his ark; because the attacker became the second highest paid player of the team.

The attacker has returned to Colo Colo for a sum of US $ 1,350,000 for the year and a half that will last his contract, which is broken down into 450 thousand dollars for 2018 and 900 thousand US dollars, in the 12 months of 2019.

Monthly, The neighborhoods will earn 75 thousand dollars which is equivalent to 48.740.832 million pesos, in his return to the club which considers his house and will be the second highest-paid player on the team, where he is only surpbaded by Jorge Valdivia who runs the $ 65 million a month.

A millionaire return for B & B coffers and a high salary thinking of a 33-year-old player, who can hardly recoup the investment made and who "contradicts" the initial statements of Ruiz-Tagle when he has took the lead, pointing out that they would look for hires with projection for sale in the future o.

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