The simple trick to overcome any phobia that torments you


Some say that the fears are in our head. What is the key to to conquer them and get rid of them? Phobia is an emotional health disorder characterized by intense terror and disproportionate to specific objects or situations. This can be sickly and very disabling, so it should be treated by psychologists specialists in the field .

In Spain 6% of the population suffers from phobia. Agoraphobia Claustrophobia and Aerophobia are among the most common and known, but there are hundreds affecting and limiting thousands on a daily basis, such as the nomofobia ] (closely related to the addiction to new technologies), it is the fear of losing or forgetting the cell phone at home.

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Psychologists sometimes use traces of traumatic experiences to help patients overcome their fears related to past pains without have to relive those moments. But for some, even these sound, visual or other sensory methods may prove too difficult to handle. In these cases, physicians have trained their patients for a long time so that they simply imagine these signals and are then guided by a process of mental reprogramming and that their responses to the triggers work. [19659008] Forget the fear

Specific phobias are divided into five sub-categories according to the criteria of the manual of diagnosis of anxiety disorders and other disorders in which anxiety is present (DSM-IV TR for its acronyms in English). Type of animal, type of environment, type of blood injections-damage, type of situation and other types. Researchers at Mount Sinai have shown that the imagination is such a powerful tool that signal experts use to record brain activities and the changes patients undergo when they relive or re-imagine the triggers.

  Photo: iStock.
Photo: iStock.

Exposure Therapies are among the most accurate methods to help people overcome their fears, phobias, anxiety and trauma. But confidence is the key word. For this to work, the therapist creates an environment in which the patient feels safe and slowly introduces the signals that induce fear.

The imagination is the key. This can lead us to reprogram the brain and forget the trauma

However, even under the guidance of a professional, these signs can lead to moments deeply unpleasant even worse than those of departure. If a therapist is concerned that this is the case, he may use "Imaginary Exposure ", in which he asks a patient to remember and explain his bad experiences or sensory triggers.

This type of treatment and recycling methods was effective although some studies have suggested that in vivo exposure, ie direct interaction with the trigger or the source of fear could have more strength and more lasting effects. However, the new study on Mount Sinai suggests the opposite.

The Imagination in Power

Led by Dr. Daniella Schiller Neuroscientist and Psychiatrist, Researchers Demonstrated How " Extinguishing Threats "worked the patients whose minds were reconverted with real clues against the imaginary. "We focus a lot on the effect of external stimuli on brain behavior and reaction, but many of these processes are taking place there and we do not have access to them ", explains the expert.

Fear can become sickly and very debilitating, so it must be treated by psychologists specialized in the field

The imagination is the key . "We know that in therapy, it's a very powerful tool so we try to reveal these subjective inner processes." The extinction of threats is a process that teaches people to signal that has been badociated with something that is scary and that does not necessarily precede a negative event .

To experiment with the deprogramming of an answer to fear, researchers first had to create one, albeit minimal. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the team was able to see the translation of brain activity translated to: " which means pain is imminent ." [19659021] [ad_2]
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