The Superliga does not accept dates – 01/11/2018


The date change operated by Conmebol due to the inability to play the rematch of the November 28 final, as planned, for the completion of the G20 summit did not occur well done


M. President of the
Argentine Football Association
Mr. Claudio F. Tapia

I have the pleasure to address you in my capacity as President of the PROFESSIONAL SUPERLIGA OF ARGENTINE FOOTBALL ( hereinafter referred to as "SAF"), about the communication made by the Confederation of South American Football a few minutes ago the matches corresponding to the final of the cup Libertadores Conmebol, initially scheduled on Wednesday, November 7 and 28 will be played on Saturdays, 10 and 24 November at 4 pm

. to know our surprise at this announcement, made by Conmebol unilaterally and unilaterally, taking into account that for the same dates are scheduled the challenge of dates 12 and 13 of the Superliga Quilmes Clbadical corresponding to the official championship of the first division of football Argentina, for which this would entail a very serious distortion of competition and the need to suspend the already scheduled matches, causing damages to other clubs that are in full competition and could also involve the violation of television and commercial commitments made with third parties .

In the event that Conmebol intends to schedule the dispute of a match corresponding to a continental competition on a given date. the dispute concerning a date corresponding to a national tournament being already scheduled, we think that you should consult the Superliga, in your capacity as organizer of said competition, under the terms of the statute of the AFA, as well as the 39; Argentine Football Association in its character of the national badociation.

Similarly, it is informed that, according to the respective administrators told us, the clubs that would contest the final would not have been consulted by the Conmebol and they would not have accepted this change.

All this added the fact that your institution, the Football Association, in its madr character American football would not have consulted American football about this change.

It should be recalled that the regulation of the Conmebol Libertadores Cup, in its article 33, sole paragraph, establishes the following: ARG UPER TOS NA D "The CONMEBOL will respect, as far as possible, the calendars of the local tournaments , which were communicated sufficiently in advance, prior to the development of the official tournament schedule "We further remind you that the Council of the Conmebol, the first time in history, he approved the schedule of its competitions with 4 months of anticipation, September 27, 2017. After that, the CONMEBOL Competitions Commission, through the Competitions Department, announced the calendar of dates. of CONMEBOL LIBERTADORES and CONMEBOL SUDAMERICANA 2018, including the dates set for the FINAL PHASE.

VI Once the CONME World Cup calendar was announced publicly by the Conmebol 2018 BOL LIBERTADORES, the Superliga then developed the schedule of its own competitions for the current season (2018/2019), taking into account and in respecting the dates set by the Conmebol. This calendar was duly approved by the Executive Committee of the Superliga and announced publicly before the start of the Superliga Quilmes Clásica 2018 (August 2018).

Therefore, this unexpected and unreasonable change made by Conmebol, which invades the dates of the Superliga's having already scheduled matches in its local competitions, is contrary to the Conmebol's own rules.

I request, by virtue of all that is stated, to provide the necessary for Conmebol to reveal the modification of the dates announced for the dispute of the final of the Copa Libertadores Conmebol and to organize their celebration on the days which do not do not confuse with the local calendar. If Conmebol insists on the need to organize such matches on a date that conflicts with the schedule of our local competitions, we ask that the Super League of Argentine Football be called, as well as the Argentine Football Federation and the clubs concerned , to conversations related to such programming

Without further ado, I would like to take this opportunity to greet you very carefully

Mariano Elizondo

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