The three actresses who denounced sexual harassment against Nicolás López


Filmmaker Nicolás López, author of films like "Red Average" and "Unfiltered" faces serious charges, after three well-known actresses have denounced him for harbadment in the magazine "Sábado". "From El Mercurio

Josefina Montané, Lucy Cominetti and María Vidaurre reported various episodes in which the director urged them to kiss him, asked them to touch them or simply their jumping over it

report is told aspects of Lopez's personality that explain his behavior with women.

Similarly, moments are reported, like his last birthday party, in which his neighbors naturalize the how López confronts actresses, with phrases like: "You and I will end up shooting" and "suck my beak".

One of the people affected was Josefina Montané who recounted an unpleasant experience that she lived with the filmmaker after working in 2014 on a pilot of the series "Heart Attack "

" He said to me, literally, if he could catch me the "tit" and why I was worried if we were going to shoot, that it would not happen. was not even the exact word, I would prefer not to mention the one he used, " states Montané. " I felt intimidated, that the only thing I managed to do was to take it with humor. After that, I never again worked with him "[1945].

Lucy Cominetti, one of the protagonists of" What a shame your life, "was one of the interpreters who suffered repeated episodes of harbadment while working together

"We were at a party and he was trying to give me kisses. Not only that: he stuck me, I told him no and so on. He said to me, "Now we were like that, but you and I are going to shoot." I said no, but he insisted, "Now you do not catch me, nothing." But you and I are going to throw "", the actress told.

"Then she wanted to leave me in a car at the inn, because it remained in another hotel and I was thrown into the car more, telling me again why I did not kiss her, if it was just a kiss. The next step was to send him on the ridge and he could not, because he was hitting me. He was my boss. I felt that if I did something more aggressive on my part, it would hurt me, " acknowledged.

Then, when the actress saw that she would not participate as a result "What a shame of your marriage"

"He replied," Come to my house, let's take a look and see what happens, because if this 39 was to continue to think of something that seemed to have nothing to do and that there was nothing more to say 'I replied that' there is nothing left to do. he was not going home, that he was not going to shoot with him and that we had nothing else to tell, " he said.

One of the most raw testimonials was the actress María Vidaurre, who was the first to come into contact with López while she had only that 17 years. After being left behind for a while, they found themselves through contact with a modeling agency.

The actress tells that she was summoned to a casting at night and in her apartment. "He began to say that he should not wear bras, that Hollywood actresses do not use. And he began talking about bad he loved when they saw each other through a shirt. " says the 22-year-old.

"He touched my chest with his index finger and said," Does it bother you? It's a bad, how much. He made me feel immature, as if I were a little goat, " he recounted.

" I had left my cell phone on the table of the dining room and it started ringing. I was going to get him and he got me stuck against the wall and started kissing me on the mouth, on the neck, on the face. I said calmly and repeatedly: "Nicolás, para". He muffled me hard. He put his hands against the wall and grabbed me between him and the wall. Then he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him; I felt his bads erect against me, "concludes Vidaurre, who went out to meet his colleague and did not tell him what had happened.

"I think if my bad had not dropped, somebody was waiting for me. He raped me. I am serious " he said.

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